Wednesday, November 17, 2010

When A Man Loves A Woman

Heyy ladies! I've been feeling kind of inspired lately so here is lovely piece of literature to add to your "Shara Trott Collection" ;)

When a man loves a woman; HE DOES NOT CHEAT ON YOU. ( It's not rocket science. When a man cheats on you, he is telling you that you are not enough for him. And why would you want to be with someone who would rather be with someone else? (Though idk why he would want to be with someone else because you're all fabulous and gorgeous young ladies!) And furthermore, when you take a man back after he has cheated you are telling him that you don't think you deserve better, he no longer respects you or your relationship, and it gives him a free pass to do it over and over. Which he will.

When a man loves a woman; HE CALLS YOU (And I don't mean every two seconds. When a man is interested, he can't help but want to talk to you. And if he wants to talk to you; HE WILL. And if he doesn't want to talk to you; HE WON'T. And if he doesn't want to talk to're with him because..??? It takes two seconds to pick up the phone and check in, and if he can't even make the effort to pick up the phone, how the hell do you think he can put forth the effort to make a relationship work? Think about it.

When a man loves a woman; HE FIGHTS FOR HER (And I do not mean physically fight! If he wants you. He will let you know. If you ask him the THE question and he does not say; "I want to be with you" or something along those lines, you have a serious problem.
When a man loves a woman; HE WANTS THE BEST FOR HER (If he loves you, he will do whats best for you. Even if it means that he doesn't get everything he wants. Just like you would do the same for him.)

When a man loves a woman; HE DOES NOT CONFUSE WEAK WITH VULNERABLE (We all know that to truly love someone you need to be vulnerable and let him in blah blah blah. But being vulnerable doesn't mean to be weak. Weak is something you become when you're SICK or when someone has torn you down. And I've heard that love is supposed to make you feel good. LOVE DOES NOT HURT, contrary to popular belief. Yes you're going to have your tough moments, but when he's hurting you over and over or on purpose its time to walk away. And walking away doesn't mean you're giving up. It means you finally realised that you deserve better.)

When a woman loves a man; SHE LOVES HERSELF (It is impossible to love someone without loving yourself. So accepting his bullshit lies, and letting him treat you however he wants isn't loving him, because you're not loving yourself. You're enabling him; and thats something that people do with drug addicts;)

When a woman loves a man; SHE COMMUNICATES WHAT SHE WANTS AND NEEDS (If you cannot openly talk to the person you love, about anything; without the fear of him walking away, you have nothing. You cannot build something on nothing)

When a woman loves a man; SHE TRUSTS HIM (If you can't trust him. You can't love him. Enough said) Yeah, so you all know that I don't "do love" and I have my reasons. But I've been observing and reading a lot about "love", and if my friends are going to be in love, I want you guys to have the best♥.


  1. MOST EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I love this, you hit all the key points.

  2. Love what you've written in "When a man loves a woman"
    There are men out there where no one woman is enough. I know because I was involved with one for 4 1/2 years. I was plenty in the beginning. As time went on, his needs became more and more 'needy' It was like the more I gave, the more he took with very little coming back to me in return. He had issues with everything in his life. Everything was a chore. He became more and more dependent. Lots of negativity. Lots of 'woe is me' moments. Being helpful and supportive started to suck the energy out of me. I was his emotional supply. His ambitions were little to none. He just got by most of the time and was perfectly fine with that. Any goals and dreams we shared never came to fruition. He was full of lots of talk but his actions never matched up. Then he became resentful and envious of me as I continued to set and accomplish my goals. In doing so, I was then put down for taking time away from him. After several breakups, at each one he would immediately hook up with someone in record speed thru dating sites or anyone random he crossed paths with. Took him back too many times. It was always done because of his promising to make greater strides. But those strides never came to be. Even communicating what my wants and needs were, he seemed unable to fulfill them. He professed incredible love for me. He just was never able to get his act together. I finally had to walk away. That was when the trouble began. I was persecuted beyond belief via social media. It was horrible. He made up lies about me just to make him look like I did him wrong and abandoned him. Within a few weeks he had met another woman, professed all this crazy love for her and asked her to marry him after one week. When all this happened I came upon the knowledge of a mental disorder called NPD, Narcissistic Personality Disorder. As I read more and more about the disorder it was like I was reliving our relationship in print. All the traits, behaviors, actions. It fit him to a T. His manipulations fit exactly with what I was reading.
    I just wanted to share my experience here. Believe me it was not fun. It is truly a form of mental abuse. It leaves you wondering 'what the hell just happened'. In order to save my sanity, I had to walk away. Doctors have concurred, this type of disorder really can't be cured. He was not your normal man. Love is not suppose to hurt. This one did. They have little ability to love as we know what love is. They don't have empathy. They see nothing wrong with what they do. And if you approach the situation and voice that there is something wrong, they respond that you are too sensitive or that you are the problem and you are crazy. If you are questioning your gut instincts that something isn't quite right, trust what you are feeling. You are probably spot on.
